The Farm At The Beach

Breathe. Relax. Read a book.

Well, we are back. Or at least settled. We are now at our “home-away-from-home” on the east end of Long Island. One of our favorite places in the world. I guess you can call it a “home” because we have plenty of friends and family here, and we pretty much know where everything is. That may seem simplistic, but part of being comfortable is familiarity. We cooked in three different kitchens in the last thee days but pretty much knew where everything was. Other people’s kitchens are a tough place to cook, but we know our way around. We can get back to business. But before we cooked, the first business was meeting the two newest members of our extended family. Beautiful babies and happy, if somewhat tired, parents. We can almost field a football team with all the cousins- which is very, very cool. We are so blessed and lucky, and the babies give us a reminder of just how good life is. And they are cute, too.

Radishes are in season here, and very tasty.

And we did get back to cooking. In many of our posts, we mention that certain dishes and drinks are good for a crowd. Well, we put a few to the test already. Most meals over the weekend fed groups of 15-20. So far, so good- but we do have a few notes and revisions. And, happily, mostly to the good. As for the actual food, we tend to have simply prepared fish and shellfish as our main courses. Seared ahi tuna, roasted striped bass, sea scallops and steamed clams made it to the table over the weekend, and will be part of almost every dinner this week. Most were caught within the last day or so. The fish is so fresh you don’t need to do much (just don’t screw them up), so we focused on sides that highlight the seafood or feature the local produce.

The coconut rice goes well with the local fish. A big hit- we will make this throughout the trip.

Firstly, we had fresh local radishes and served them with butter and salt. Always easy, always good. (My Dad also makes kick-ass guacamole every day, but that is another post). The biggest hit so far is the coconut rice. The rice went very well with the seared, rare ahi tuna (steaks almost 2 inches thick and sooo good). Served with a dash of soy and some cilantro chutney (working on that recipe), it was a perfect fit. A table of 16 were all very happy. One note here, we made the coconut rice with “Light” coconut milk, as the store was out of regular coconut milk. If anything, the light coconut milk gave the dish plenty of flavor, but perhaps a slightly lighter texture. Good to know that we can make a lower-calorie version of the original.

We added fresh corn kernels to the Red Cat zucchini- it was great.

Another surprise was how well the coconut rice went with the Red Cat zucchini. The dish comes from here, so everyone enjoyed it (the zucchini was right from the CSA), but as the dish is more Mediterranean, we are surprised how well the flavors meshed. Another note here- we added some fresh corn kernels to the zucchini and they added lovely texture and sweetness. If you have corn, give this a try. The next day we took the leftover coconut rice and combined it with the zucchini and corn. It made a delightful cold summer salad.

As for the cocktails, we made fresh Tommy’s-style margaritas every day (2 oz. blanco tequila, 1 oz. gave nectar, 1 oz. lime juice). But the big hit was the Lani Honi. As predicted, everyone thought of it as a lemony summer punch with a little extra depth. We served a pitcher alongside the margaritas and the Lani Honi held its own. We had requests for more the next day. Very good.

As expected, a perfect drink to make for a crowd.

Lastly we made a punch-sized batch of the Nouvelle Fleur. The drink was a success, but did need some tweaking. In the original recipe we used ruby-red grapefruit and the flavors meshed very well. Out here, we used white grapefruit and the drink was way too sour. Happily, a little extra St. Germain and some agave nectar did the trick and the Nouvelle Fleur was a success, particularly with grapefruit fans. But a quick reminder that it pays to taste your drinks and adjust as necessary.

A great punch, but we needed to adjust for more sour white greapefruit.

Today we are off to the CSA garden and then looking for corn and stone fruits. And just wait until we start talking about the pies…oh my. We have new photos and recipes coming all week! It’s good to be back.

11 thoughts on “The Farm At The Beach

  1. Radishes with butter and salt .. one of my summer favorite. Like the thought of coconut rice … many years since I made that. Thanks for reminding me. Your drinks are stunning as always.

  2. Hi Putney Farmers & welcome to our side of the continent! Will wave across the sound next time we’re at the beach! 🙂 Enjoy NY & safe travels from your blog followers at

  3. This is just another great post.
    We have a lot of rice and coconut here in the Philippines but I haven’t tried the coco-rice. We have the sweet glutinous rice garnished with coconut grates but it is served during special occasions as desserts; and it is totally different from your featured coco-rice.
    Radish just goes along well with salt. No doubt they make perfect combination.
    More power to you and your site. Keep us informed always. Thanks.

    • Thanks! And we do like the sweet glutinous rice as well…the coconut rice using long-grain or jasmine rice is worth a try…it goes well with a bunch of dishes..

  4. What a lovely post! 🙂
    Like a solemn punch, I haven’t tried the coconut rice yet – it sounds interesting, and it looks yummy! I’ll tell my sisters about this and who knows? This weekend we might just have a party…

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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